Review: Terraria (3DS) (2024)

A downsized download

Version Reviewed: European

  • Review: Terraria (3DS) (1)
  • review by Marcel van Duyn

Originally released on PC back in 2011, Terraria could be described as a 2D sidescrolling Minecraft with graphics reminiscent of 16-bit games. Over the years it received many updates and eventually started getting ported to many other systems. Now it's finally Nintendo's turn to get the game, but does it still hold up or did too many corners get cut?

Terraria is a sandbox game where there's no real objective. When you start a new game a world will be randomly generated for you, which means that no two players will have the same experience and you could, theoretically, start all over if you get bored with the environment give to you. There are also three save files, so you could also just have three different games on the go at the same time.

When you start you won't have much more than a set of basic tools, like a sword, axe and pickaxe. Your task is to harvest materials, be it by cutting down trees for wood or delving into the ground for ore, and then use those materials to construct buildings, armour and many other things. There are over a thousand different crafting recipes, so there's plenty to do.

While there are regular enemies that lurk about, there are also plenty of bosses that can be encountered, although a lot of them require special conditions before they show up. These all drop special items and such, so they'll become something you want to go after eventually. There are also special NPCs that can sell you items, which will also require special conditions to attract to your world.

This 3DS version of the game is mostly based on version 1.2 of the PC game, which was released in 2013, although it has a few choice features that were added later. It also has some 3DS-exclusive enhancements, like a very useful touch screen. On the touch screen you can choose to display one of three things - an inventory for quick item usage, a world map in case you get lost, or perhaps the most useful option, a zoomed-in, grid-based version of the top screen. This allows you to more accurately tap on specific tiles and works a lot more smoother than simply using the 3DS's buttons.

Although the game is mostly intact, there are some noticeable downsides to this 3DS port. As it is based on a 2013 version of the game it's missing a lot of recent additions, which might be disappointing to those who wanted an up to date experience - there are patches scheduled which could perhaps rectify this. Multiplayer is included, but is local only - online multiplayer was a very cool part of the original release, so the lack of it in this version is quite disappointing.

While the game looks and sounds very good on the 3DS, this is also where the final and perhaps biggest problem comes in. While the game is smooth as butter with a consistent 60 FPS if played on a New 3DS, it drops to 30 on a regular 3DS. To make matters worse, playing it on a normal 3DS will also cause frequent lag, which can get so bad that it almost seems like the game is going to crash. It was perhaps to be expected that the New 3DS would be able to handle the game a bit better, but this difference is quite noticeable and can be incredibly off-putting.


Although slightly outdated, Terraria on 3DS is a fairly decent port of a hugely popular title. If you don't own a New 3DS the lower framerate and lag alone can be reason enough to perhaps skip this version, and the lack of online multiplayer and outdated content could also be a downer for some. The Wii U version should get rid of some of these issues, so if you own the home console there's the option to wait a little longer. Some patches may improve this experience, and it's a solid entry for those with a New 3DS that fancy some Terraria on the go.

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Comments 33

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  • Geonjaha

It should go without saying, but play this game on PC if you can. It's a great experience, especially with friends.

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  • Sisilly_G

A late port of a very simple looking game with frame rate issues? sigh

This is unacceptable. Nintendo should have forced them to make this a New 3DS exclusive game.

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  • Giraton

As someone who owns this on the New 3DS and owns the PC version....I'm not sure why anyone would have expected the full/updated version to the PC. A. This port is based on the Mobile version, which nearly all current console ports mostly work off, which is outdated compared to the PC version. With that alone it should have been expected this would be outdated at least at the start. B. This is a big game, not allot of people realise this from looking at the art style but never played the game. To defeat all the bosses in the PC version takes months of average gameplay to do first time round. To fit that into a downloadable file would be difficult. C. You are not buying this for the full version, or at least you shouldn't be. It's a portable version, so you should be buying it for that portability, or if it's the only version you can get because you only own a 3DS and nothing else (at that point I have no idea if you can complain or not, weird case).

However, the massive difference in the 3DS and New 3DS this review says are apparent, thats a problem, especially considering they should have built this port for the regular 3DS (and their blog seems to say so, including mentions of adding features to the 3DS version). That is a fair and well addressed complaint.

Overall though, I do enjoy this review overall, just kinda wished it would have focused less on the PC version. Most of the complaints I have posted here are directed at people who don't quite get how a port to a low end system works.

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  • Zebetite

@sillygostly Have you played this game? There's enough going on in this "simple looking game" that even the PC version can chug at times, depending on people's hardware.

That aside, it doesn't chug THAT much on PC. Yeesh.

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  • Yai

I own the PC version but I have to say this looks like a really good port.

The touchscreen controls are probably SUPER useful. Also 1.2 still has a lot of content such as "hard mode" that shows up later and is almost as big as the base game was before it. Honestly with the amount of content in the game by this point it should be very satisfying to play on the go. I'm considering picking this up myself.

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  • RupeeClock

I feel it's worth pointing out that the digital release of the game is a pre-release of sorts. They are using this to get some important feedback for the retail launch of the game later on.
I've enjoyed playing the 3DS version on my N3DS, but there have been a lot of bugs as well as limitations resulting from the especially small world size, some of which actually do impede your progress.

A future update will hopefully deliver what's needed to make a 3DS version excel, but we'll see.

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  • liveswired

@Giraton Even if it was designed for the old 3DS it only has Single CPU and GPU available for gaming. The New3DS has a Quad core CPU and GPU available with double the VRAM and RAM, all clocked to higher speeds as well.

It should be of no surprise to anyone that the New3DS is running this at 60fps with ease. What alot of people like to miss out on, including journalists is that, on paper, despite sharing the same resolution the New3DS is atleast 2x more powerful than the older 3DS models. I would argue that 2x is a conservative estimate. The reason this isn't pushed or publicised is because Nintendo doesn't want to create a complete split in the line.

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  • ejamer

I've been kind of looking for a reason to justify buying a New 3DS eventually. Frankly, if developers start making games that are either exclusive to, or significantly better on, that console I consider it a good thing.

Also, I think assuming that a 3DS should be able to run a game just because the graphics are simple is kind of silly. The complexity of game isn't always in the graphics... and sandbox-type games like Terreria and MineCraft are perfect examples of that.

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  • Morgan19

> When you start you won't have much more than a set of basic tools, like a sword, axe and pickaxe.

For some reason this bugged me. Do you get a random set of tools? Or does everyone start with a sword, axe, and pickaxe. If it's the latter, " a..." doesn't make sense because it would actually be the more definitive "...a set of basic tools: a sword, axe, and pickaxe."

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  • Stude

Alright, then. All I needed to hear was that this ran well on New 3DS. I've never played this before but I'll be getting it as soon as return home.

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  • Lastar

@Morgan19 Starting tools are not random but it makes sense if there if more tools than the three mentioned (can't remember if that is the case).

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  • ChromaticDracula

My whole issue with playing this is that I just didn't want to start ALL OVER. I am hours... No, months of hours into my PS4 version and starting over sucks. Other than that I can definitely say that having these touch controls is quite amazing. I'm really liking everything so far so I do not regret my purchase. For those that haven't played Terraria yet, want to have a sandbox game (which I prefer over Minecraft), and have a New 3DS, go get it-- seriously. Really cool game that you can sink tons of time into especially if you have OCD and like to organize and build.

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  • DoctorOverbuild

So if you have a new 3ds it's good and if you have a normal only get it if you really want this game interesting, I agree Nintendo should've made this a new exclusive for 2 reasons: The game seems to struggle on the older middel if t gets to the pijt where you think the game is broken it should never of been released at all as it does not sound enjoyable while on the new 3ds it seems like quite a good game. The New 3ds needs more exclusives and this sounds like a game that really should be a new exclusive but Nintendo and the develops want more money so it's greed over quality sadly, still I have a new 3ds and I'll be picking this up, if you have a old 3ds and a mobile phone get the mobile version

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  • rockodoodle

I'll wait for the Wii U version..... Read somewhere that this is going to be the best version anyway with the gamepad integration.

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  • DropDash

Never played Terreria but I've heard its good. I might wait until after the patches and then see how it is. I don't care for playing games on PCs and I sold my Wii U so, this version might be ideal for me. I'd love to have it on the go.

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  • Rumorlife

I find it odd they didn't do some sort of 3D in this. Even if it was just a 3D Classics or a Cave Story kind of 3D. But at least it doesn't say Terraria 3D on the box like Rayman 3D and offer no 3D.

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  • Jaeger

Such a shoddy port and at that price? Considering the PC version is the more recent update-wise and is always on sale for dirt cheap... This version isn't worth getting at all. I'm glad I didn't waste the $20.

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  • MasterWario

I think the PC version is good enough for me. A shame, but I just don't want to get a downgraded version. Fantastic game though!

Also I get that some people just do whatever, but I really like Terraria because it's more objective based than other sandbox games like Minecraft. There are very real objectives, it's just that the game lets you figure it out for yourself or look it up online.

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  • savage_celery

I was contemplating getting this version of the game, but I don't see myself getting it for the 3DS. As I already own it on Steam for a while before they announced it for 3DS/WiiU, I'll most likely stick with that version.

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  • RedBeanPorridge

Spotted a typo
" you could, theoretically, start all over if you get bored with the environment give to you."

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  • Aozz101x

im interested of trying this out one day, i like the concept of this game. might get the Wii U and 3DS version for the heck of it.

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  • SahashraLA

A game that actually makes sense having a New 3DS gets railed on by the reviewer for taking advantage of new hardware?
Sounds par for the course.
They said it would run. They never said it would run well.
But hey, devs have done a great job warranting buying a new system. A port, a lazy port and a few new bells and whistles in MH and Smash.
Why Nintendo ever released a 'New' 3DS in the first place is being proven as the 2nd most useless revision. The first being the 2DS.
'NX' is looking like Nintendo probably isn't going to get it right. Again.

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  • ollietaro

If this game does not perform well on a standard 3DS, then I will skip it. A smoother MH4U experience is slightly more enticing than a smoother Terraria one to convince me to purchase a New 3DS. However, neither are convincing enough to spend $200.

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  • Dr_Awkward

Picked it up at launch on my N3DS, and I think it's fantastic. That said, I have never played any other version of the game (or much Minecraft), so maybe I don't know what I am missing. No noticeable frame rate issues.

Also bought it for my two sons' 2DSes. They both love it, and we have a blast playing local multiplayer--even when they host, I don't notice any lag or problems.

Haven't had this much fun with a game in a while; it is just a compelling experience. The sense of discovery is tangible.

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  • MoonKnight7

Really liking it so far. I have not had the pleasure of playing this on PC, so given from my naive experience here, take that for what it's worth. I will say though that the not the most up-to-date port is expected, but of course slightly disappointing. Maybe it will be updated to the most current version eventually, but I haven't found any proof of what the updates are supposed to include. Having not played the original, I don't mind or care, but I can see why some would fuss about it for the price. I am playing this on the new 3DS XL, and it is performing beautifully. No lags and no bugs sighted, and I've played for about 10 hours.

I will say that it probably will be tough for people playing on the smaller 3DS's. Even with my extra real-estate, things are indeed very small. The extra screen to see things up close does help, but I almost feel like it gets a little too close. I'd like to see my surroundings a little better when I'm fixated on that screen. You just have train your eyes to jump back and forth from both screens. It's fine though, just a slight quibble and nothing to be upset about.

I bought this for the portability for when I take long business trips. It's the perfect game for me in that sense, so I have no regrets at all with this purchase.

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  • Sisilly_G

@Zebetite : I haven't played the game, so I'll take your word for it, but that still doesn't excuse the performance issues on a device with standardised specifications (which cannot be applied to PC as all PCs are different). The developers should ensure that the game runs flawlessly on whichever system they decide to port it to. There are no excuses for this. That is what a port needs to be, after all.

I was initially keen on this, but given the fact that it is a late AND out-dated port with inexcusable performance issues has put me off; and while I have a New 3DS, I don't want to support this kind of disgraceful treatment from third parties. Had it been a New 3DS exclusive, however, I would have felt differently.

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  • MGray

I never played the other versions, but I liked this one. I own a N3DS. It does seem like they'll launch an update specific for each console, the old and new 3DS.

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  • MIDP

The problem lies not in the quality of graphics but the fact that everything in one world is loaded at once.
I think the only things that spawn are enemies that are within x amount from you.
I mean, if you drop an item on the other side of the coast, it will still be laying there.
So every block makes the CPU work.

I am playing it on my New 3DS and can't put the damn thing away.
It is in every way one of the best games I've ever played ever.
Anything under a 9/10 is not accurate.
Sure, I haven't played it in 30 FPS and lag, but I know this version I have has some issues like random crashing, so I got to save all the time.
But even with this problem the game is freakin' 9/10 at least, and 10/10 in my opinion.
The only better games on the 3DS might be Kid Icarus Uprising and Super Smash Bros - maybe.
At the rate of fun I'm having with the game right now, I'd say it is the best game on the console.

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  • Sisilly_G

@MIDP : You've completely missed the point of my post if you think that my comments were about "graphics". This game should not be available on the standard 3DS if it is going to suffer from major performance issues.

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  • MIDP

Um, the N3DS is far superior to the original. It runs way smoother, faster and better. It feels better, the 3D can actually be used now, and the extra buttons make a great use in many games.
The screen also looks way better, and battery life too, of course.
I tried going back to my old 3DS just to compare, it is practically impossible.
The 2DS is also great because it costs basically nothing.
The N3DS is in my opinion the best Nintendo console ever made.
And I own pretty much all of them.

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  • Aiodensghost

I'm one of those people who STILL have the classic CTR-001 model of the Nintendo 3DS, and other than the system erroring out and having to restart once or twice while playing this, I honestly had no issue with it. I don't really stress having a game a 60 FPS (unless it's an online game or a shooter,) so not having the newest hardware isn't to big of a deal for me. The thing is though, this version of the game on the original 3DS is on-par with the PSVita version, and would be a better version to play for nomadic players (I don't know about you, but I don't want to haul my Xbox, PlayStation, Wii U, or PC around with me on my back, and I did that before in highschool for game club.) I guess what I'm trying to say is that this version is great on the original 3DS despite what they say in this review. This review is also outdated, in that now you hve 6 character slots and 6 world slots to play with (which is good, considering I introduced a 9 year old to the game and she got so hooked she started swiping my 3DS for days at a time on vacation to play the game.)

The downer to this version on the original 3DS, though, is that the control scheme will offer more challenges. Only having one analog can kill, and it gets worse if your hand cramps while battling the Wall of Flesh before Hardmode. Other than that, great version, if you don't mind people thinking your a little slower and don't really use the 3D feature (this game doesn't display in 3D, and even then, 3D kills your systems battery faster!!)

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  • Aiodensghost

@sillygostly Major performance issues? They aren't so major if you start playing it on the original 3DS, in fact you kinda get used to it by now. But then I'm one of those people who don't care about lag as long as I'm not playing the game online or if the game I'm playing isn't a shooter. I HATED playing Resident Evil on the original 3DS for that reason! IDK, though. I'm looking into upgrading to the N2DSXL (I don't use the 3D function, it kills my system faster and hurts my eyes, which is salt in the wound when combined with myopia.)

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  • Dakkpac64

@Aiodensghost the N2DSXL is a good option if you don't use the 3D feature and I personally think that the 3DS/N3DS port of this game is like an easier version of mobile with enough content (updates included) to make it an enjoyable experience, although the random crashes can be annoying.

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Review: Terraria (3DS) (2024)
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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Views: 6228

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (52 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.