Milk & Honey - oSnapple - 崩坏:星穹铁道 (2024)

Chapter Text

When Aventurine arrives in his room to meet his ‘stylist’ for the photoshoot, all he finds is a single card next to a bowl of snacks called Puppy Chow that reads:

I hear Avgins know how to make anything beautiful. Figure it out yourself. - GLG

Which just translates into Aventurine wearing a plain black V-neck long sleeve, white trousers, and a trenchcoat he finds in the room’s wardrobe. It’s very reminiscent of his actual work outfit (without all of his accessories - really, his fingers have never felt so naked even with the gloves.) and serves as a nice reminder of why he’s actually here: business. Simple as that.

“Look at you, Mr. Salaryman,” Kyoji calls from the couch beside the snack table for the staff. “What, did the Greater Lord not hire anyone for you?”

“I could say the same for you,” Aventurine drawls. The teen is still dressed in grey sweatpants and sweater; the only reason he can tell they’re new is the small tag sewn into the ankle. “Is that seriously what you’re going to wear for the photoshoot?”

“Part of the agreement.” Kyoji thrusts one leg up, fabric shifting and exposing the band fastened around his ankle. “Gotta stay in uniform if I wanted to compete.”

Wanted to compete? He guesses he shouldn’t be surprised that someone could volunteer considering his own situation (even if the rest believe otherwise). Not to mention Eren calling the teen a criminal earlier. If anything, it only affirms his suspicions about the Ravager. To be able to reach the live stages of the competition without an owner to rely on means his talents must be extraordinary. That, or the showrunners were hoping that having a criminal perform would draw in views.

Out of the corner of his eye, Aventurine catches a glimpse of polished metal storming into the room. It’s Lucy, dressed in…“What,” he says hesitantly as he takes in the woman’s outfit, “are you wearing?”

It’s barely more than a two-piece bathing suit made out of metal and string. A long strip of cloth dangles in front of her waist. Sandals and string tied up to her knees only accentuates the muscle of her legs. The only thing that offers a hint of modesty for Lucy is the cloak attached to her shoulderpads, which she aggressively tugs over her torso as she marches up to them. “They said to play up my people’s looks,” she says, tone bitter. “They say this is ‘traditional’ warrior attire. Bah. No warrior would wear this!”

“But it will get you attention,” Aventurine counters. “Imagine how many people will vote for you solely for your appearance.”

Lucy’s face twitches, but she channels whatever complaints she must have into covering herself as best she can. “The twins…they are at an advantage. It will not matter.”

Aventurine follows the woman’s glare to the center of the room, where Eren and Rene continue to shift and pose, dressed in smokey grey suits and blue ties that only further emphasizes their pale skin and paler hair. Each pose keeps them flushed, chest to chest and hands on everything but themselves. It's intimate to an almost uncomfortable degree, but their icy eyes are just that - cold, unflinching. He can’t help but be impressed; they must be gunning for fans of twincest. “Are the Mox into that kind of thing?”

“Hah.” Kyoji rests his chin on his forearms. “I don’t think you wanna know the answer to that, outsider.”

“Done!” the lead photographer suddenly barks. Eren and Rene are quick to untangle themselves from each other, brushing out the wrinkles in their suit. Two of its eyes remain glued to the screens, but a third splits through its lumpy, red back to glare at the trio. “Where is the Imperial?! I don’t have all day!”

“Go get her yourself, asshole,” Kyoji calls back.

“Hey!” Eren snaps, only for Rene to sigh.

“Calm down. Won’t do us any good to fight now.” she says before shoving her brother aside. “ I’ll get her.”

The photographer scoffs, body jiggling from the gesture. “Fine. You, the one with the pretty eyes, over here!”

Aventurine’s cheek twitches, a mix of irritation and amusem*nt when Eren bristles. He saunters up to the photoshoot, smile growing when the familiar heat of the stand lights warms his skin. “Aw, don’t look too nervous,” he says. “I’ve got plenty of experience.”

“Shut up,” Eren forces out between clenched teeth. He takes a deep, shakey inhale, sighs, and faces the photographer. “Well, sir? What would you like us to-”

“Ah, hush.” The photographer holds up a tendril, eyes shifting between the pair before wiggling another at one of the assistants. “Grab the camelback!”

The photoshoot goes…well, Aventurine has been through worse. He isn’t instructed to touch Eren, thankfully, mostly just standing behind the humped back of the couch or stretching out across the cushions. By the time he finishes his solo shoots, Naomi finally emerges from her room with Rene. Jewels reflect a rainbow of light all over the set, woven into her elaborate bun and weighted black dress, its skirt bunched in her fist as she stumbles forward in paper-thin heels. The only part of her that the IPC agent recognizes is her necklace, still secured to her neck.

“Dazzling,” he mutters under the photographer’s enraged shouting.

Naomi flushes, although he can’t exactly tell if it’s from embarrassment or exhaustion. “T-Thank you…” She fans herself with one ring-encrusted hand. “You look, um, nice .”

Aventurine clicks his tongue. “Your hesitation makes me think otherwise.”

The deeper flush is definitely from embarrassment. “N-No! I don’t-I just…um…” Naomi’s eyes dart to the snack table, where Eren immediately softens and shoots her a supportive thumbs up. The second she looks away, he returns to glaring at Aventurine. “Wasn’t expecting this outfit. It’s a bit distracting.”

“Don’t like it?”

“It sucks .” The vitriol dripping from her voice almost makes Aventurine laugh, but he clamps it down when she slaps a hand over her mouth. “I-I’m sorry,” she whispers, “that was rude. Forgive me.”

Aventurine eyes the tiny girl drowning in her gown and jewelry, then pretends to zip his lips shut. “Your secret’s safe with me.”

Eren takes Aventurine’s place once he is finished with Naomi. Rene, Lucy, and Kyoji are chatting amicably, the Amazon even scooting over on the couch to offer the agent a seat. He declines, instead scanning the warehouse before finally asking, “Are the other two seriously still getting ready?”

Rene blinks and mimics his gesture, as if just now realizing their absence. “That’s…surprising. How did Naomi finish before them?”

“Maybe their costumes are very complicated?” Lucy offers.

“I thought they came from the slums,” Aventurine says. “Their owner - what’d they say…That Which Wanders? What do they even do?”

It ,” Kyoji corrects with a wave of his hand, “is an undertaker. I’ve met it a few times before when it worked a round at the kennels. Was about as friendly as the bodies it was undertaking.”

The information stews in Aventurine’s mind as he steps away to grab a drink. Somehow, the fact that an undertaker owns two humans like you and Leroy does and does not surprise him. No wonder you’re so oddly friendly. Maybe being raised by a thing that works with dead bodies starved you for any kind of contact with the living. It’s almost amusing, but the marking carved into his skin starts to burn. He snatches a cup off the table, chugging down the water when-

“Sorry we’re late!” you call and Aventurine doesn’t choke , but he’s close. You’re in some kind of black, sleeveless two-piece, top hemmed with silver thread. In the center of your chest is a hole cut into the shape of a four-pointed star, its top and bottom stretched to split the top in half. Tailcoats sprout to frame your waist. Underneath it all shimmers purple and blue fabric reminiscent of a clear night sky. The only accessories you bear are a set of silver greaves and vambraces, matching the antler-like crown tucked in your hair, each as brilliant as your smile.

When Leroy trails after you, barefoot and barely dressed in fluttering white cloth, Aventurine can’t help but stare. Side by side, the pair are a clear depiction of the Hunt and Abundance. The clothes, the accessories…even Leroy’s make-up softens his sharp angles into one more merciful and kind. As far as Aventurine is aware, the humans of Moriah once worshiped the Aeons before the aliens ‘immigrated’ here, and he assumes religious freedom disappeared along with it. Still, this must be sacrilegious on some level. He doubts the Greater Lord cares.

“What took you so long?” Kyoji asks once the pair reach the table. “Decided to get a little busy in the dressing rooms?”

“What? No.” You elbow Leroy’s side, still smiling bright. “ Someone here wanted a last second costume change, so the stylist had to do some alterations.”

Leroy doesn’t flinch from the strike. He simply crosses his arms, causing the cloth to shift and bare his entire chest to the others. “It was too…revealing.”

“If you think that is revealing,” Lucy mutters, only to twitch when the photographer shouts for her to join Naomi on set. With a heavy sigh, she rises to her feet and lifts her chin as her cape spills open. If she sees just how quickly Eren and Naomi flush pink, she does not react.

“It is a beautiful outfit,” Rene offers stiffly, eyes glued to your crown. “Did you base it off of something?”

You’re hovering over the snack table, swaying on your feet until you pluck an elongated berry from a bowl. “That Which Wanders wanted to honor some old gods,” you say before chuckling. “It’s the first time I’ve ever worn such nice clothes, so I won’t complain.”

The thoughts catch in Aventurine’s mind as he eyes your outfit. You’d worn simple white robes for the past two days, easily stainable fabric that wouldn’t last an hour in a slum. Now, you keep stroking a finger over the silver vambrace, tugging on the fabric of your coattail like you still can’t believe it’s attached to you. It only makes the burning on his throat even worse.

The rest of the photoshoot passes in boredom. He and Kyoji simply lounge on a couch together. With Leroy, the photographer spends twenty minutes attempting to get the Morlock to make any other expression, then settles for the man’s deadpan stare as he and Aventurine are rearranged into their poses. He and Rene are given gambling props together, while Lucy is forced to flex her impressive muscles against Aventurine’s casual posing. With you, the photographer lifts the camera, stops, then orders for someone to grab the prop weapons they have.

“I promise I won’t shoot you,” you offer when they give you a bow and arrow.

“Very reassuring,” Aventurine says when the shiny fruit is perched upon his head.

After aiming a real revolver with no ammunition at your head and almost being stabbed by a dagger in return, he is finally dismissed. It gives him the chance to watch you work with the rest of the competition. You manage to get Eren to crack when the photographer asks for a serious face. Lucy’s smile grows to match yours when you offer her your crown. Not even Naomi seems immune, hiding her face with one hand as you laugh. The only one who weathers your excitement is Leroy, and Aventurine suspects it’s because the man knew you well before this.

You wanted to enjoy yourself, he recalls, and you seem to be doing just fine.


Their schedule only gets busier after that, preparing outfits and health screenings, dragged this way and that by the Mox staff before being deposited back at their shared dorms well past sunset. At some point, the group does not get to see the sun for the entire day, dragged out at 0400 and returned at 0200 the next morning. Not even you can maintain your cheerful smile when they’re crammed into the elevator, instead slumped against Lucy’s back as she struggles to keep her eyes open.

“What happened to keeping us in good health for the competition?” Aventurine hisses, using your shoulder for an armrest. Not even their usual Mox had followed them into the elevator, apparently too eager to go home herself.

To his left, Kyoji shields his eyes from the fluorescents with his hood. “Do you think we’ll get in trouble if we just don’t leave our rooms tomorrow?”

“They’d probably kill us,” Rene groans and tugs on her collar.

Clinging to Eren’s neck, Naomi sleepily sighs, “Eternal sleep…that sounds nice.”

And maybe the exhaustion is worse than they realize because Leroy starts chuckling, and it spreads so hard and fast that Aventurine can barely see, let alone breathe by the time they reach the actual floor. The Mox finds them all passed out on the communal couch four hours later.

But the days pass. Before Aventurine knows it, it is the day of their debut and the start of the last days of their lives.

“We’ll come pick you up at 1600 to bring you to the studio,” the Mox explains as breakfast is served. “Guests will be allowed inside at 1700 and the actual cameras start rolling at 1800, so you’ll have plenty of time to prepare yourselves for the interviews at 1830. Once all the interviews are done, you’ll be free to meet with your owners and interact with the crowd.” She giggles and squirms with excitement. She does not see Naomi’s hands trembling. Aventurine does no matter how hard he tries not to. “Oh, it’ll be so exciting! You guys will love it so much. They hire some of the best chefs in all of Moriah to prepare the meals. If you’ve never tried gold-leafed mint meat, you definitely should before you go.”

Aventurine has tried gold-leafed mint meat once. It was not designed for the average hominid stomach. He only managed to keep it down because it’d been served as a rare delicacy imported for a client’s dinner and he couldn’t afford to make himself look like an idiot.

No one speaks during breakfast. No one lingers in the living room once it is over. Aventurine spends his time looking over the notes he’d taken before he landed on the planet, but that only lasts for an hour before he wastes the rest of it just staring at the landscape beyond his window. If one could put aside the advertisem*nts for human-pet products plastered all over the billboards, it looks like the kind of metropolitan he’d be fine with getting lost in for a few days. Hell, some of the gambling halls here outrank ones run on Penacony galaxies away. Hopefully, once the IPC gets their foot in the door, they can clean up the place and make it a little…Aventurine’s eyes drift to his reflection’s throat, then scoffs. “Who am I kidding?”

At the studio, the makeup artists are thoroughly stumped with his face and decide to just leave it as is. With the Greater Lord’s good graces, he’s given access to an entire wardrobe of every style he can imagine. He’s surprised to find his old rings and watch sitting among the accessories and fish those out. He passes over the suits, eyes a rather elegant dress before realizing its skirt would drag, then stops when he finds a knee-length tunic tucked in the far back. All along the sleeves and down the center is an intricately stitched geometric pattern, embroidered with turquoise thread. Based on the stark wrinkles in the fabric, it must have been folded up for some time and unearthed only now.

“Hey,” he calls to the assistant outside, “I need an ironing board.”

Once he’s fully dressed, he’s escorted to the green room. The small room has a projector displaying the interview stage, along with plenty of comfortable seats and snacks for the competitors to use while waiting for their turn. It’s nothing out of the ordinary for a green room, really, but knowing this will be the place they’ll sit in while watching their competitors’ execution makes his skin crawl. It’s made no better when he spots you. He supposes he shouldn’t be surprised you finished so quickly, but your arms are folded tight, fingernails biting your bare biceps. There is tension in your jaw, a dark glare in your eye he didn’t realize you could manage.

“Hey.” Aventurine’s fingers curl, a flicker of concern weaving through his nerves. “What’s with the face?”

Your eyes flutter, and you quickly shove your hands into your pockets, flashing him the same smile he’d assumed was your neutral expression since he arrived. “Sorry, just got lost in…thought.” You push off the table, eyeing Aventurine’s outfit with open surprise. “Where did you find a Chalav shirt?”

“A what?”

Chalav ,” you repeat. “It’s this old breed of human that had the ‘gift of healing’ or something. Not a lot of them exist anymore - high content ones, at least.” You chuckle again, this time rubbing at the tattoo on your throat. “That Which Wanders knows way more about them than I do, though. It has a shirt just like that.”

“Huh.” Aventurine looks down at the fabric. He’d only chosen it because it almost reminds him of the dirty rags hidden in the back of his own closet. “Sorry to your owner, then, but I’ll be needing this tonight.”

“Hey, knock yourself out. At least it’s being worn by someone .”

Something shifts in your tone, and when he looks up, your smile is so soft and pleased it makes the Avgin go stiff. It’s not normal. There is something hidden behind it that makes Aventurine’s instincts scream. It makes his fingers spasm, desperate to pinch a card or flip a coin, anything but remain empty and give himself away. What did that mean? Is he missing something? Your smile suggests something deeper related to the shirt, but what?


The IPC agent blinks. In the midst of his spiraling, you’d plucked a familiar green fruit from the snack table. One slice is already in your hand, outstretched to him.

“Hmph.” Aventurine takes the slice, allowing the sour juice to sting his tongue and ground his thoughts. “What about you? I’m assuming your stylist wanted a business casual look?”

You look down at your slacks and sleeveless top before shrugging. “I burnt all of my style on the photoshoot,” you admit. “I’ll just let that speak for me.”

“And not your actions tonight?” Aventurine asks. “This is prime time to ingratiate yourself to the audience. You can’t afford to mess up.”

“I know, I just-Leroy and I didn’t exactly have a chance to practice,” you say before pouting. “This’ll be the biggest stage we’ve ever been on. Even Kyoji’s used to performing at the kennels. ”

Aventurine hums, almost tempted to remind you that this is life or death and that it won’t matter too much if you end up losing. It’s probably not the best thing to say to try and carry a conversation though, so he sets that aside. “Eh, I doubt Naomi’s will go any better.”

“I doubt it. She trained at the Anakt Garden with Eren and Rene, and they have one of the highest survival rates out of all the music schools on Moriah.”

“That’s…” Aventurine grimaces at the sour juice burning his throat. “Interesting. I knew this competition was popular in Moriah, but to have a whole school dedicated to it?”

“You’d be surprised.” You let out a weary sigh before offering him your last slice and a tired smile. “No point in complaining though, right? How are you feeling?”

Nothing. Or, well, ambivalent? It is a death game he’d volunteered for, but the odds of him dying because of some bad luck is pretty high. But seeing as he needs to win to fulfill his contract, he just settles for a lazy shrug and pushes the fruit back towards you. “I just want to know who I’ll be competing against. At least that way I can start planning.”

Your smile falters. “Yeah…” After a beat, you elbow him and snicker. “Planning your escape?”

The jab nearly makes him sputter, but instinct overtakes him as he says, “Trust me, friend, I don’t make deals that don’t pay off.” Win, lose, the IPC will have to intervene. After all, killing one of the Ten Stonehearts will, at least, drag the rest of the Strategic Investment Department into investigating. Greater Lord Golan can’t prove that he didn’t force Aventurine into the competition, either. He also knows that Topaz’s bleeding heart wouldn’t leave the planet without some kind of plan to dismantle the human-pet industry. So, really, his job will be done no matter what.

“Even if it results in you losing everything else?” It’s barely louder than a whisper, but it still pierces through Aventurine’s thoughts like an arrow through the dark. You’re still fiddling with the fruit peel, but that same, dark gaze is starting to creep back in, cold and consuming. There is the faintest tremor to your fingertips, and just as fast as it comes, it disappears. “Aw, Rene, look at you!” you call when you look over his shoulder. “So sparkly.”

“I could do without the sarcasm,” Rene says flatly. Her platinum hair has been meticulously curled and tied up, decorated with pearls and glitter until she shimmers as bright as Moriah’s cityscape. She doesn’t seem to have as much trouble in her heels as Naomi did during the photoshoot, although he assumes it’s more to do with the thicker heel than skill. “You two look…” Her eyes hesitate on Aventurine’s shirt before she finally forces out, “Well-dressed.”

“Thanks,” Aventurine says dryly.

“Thanks!” You reach back and pick up another fruit, piercing the skin with a thumb. “Want some?”

One by one, the competitors filter into the green room, faces painted and clothes pressed. You, Kyoji, and Lucy seem to carry most of the conversation, talking excitedly about space travel and how surely there must be another planet out there greener than Amazonia, how their outfits are each so simple and still probably more than they could ever afford. At one point, you laugh a bit too harshly, like you’re trying to get it all out before the show begins. It’s almost enviable.

But as the stage is set and guests are allowed in, the green room falls quiet. Eren keeps himself glued to Naomi’s side while Rene paces, the Imperial’s hands clutched painfully tight around her necklace. Lucy busies herself with the snacks on display. Surprisingly, Leroy does not follow you when you return to your dressing room, instead opting for a seat before the projector. Kyoji, who is set to open the interviews, just waits at the door for his cue.

Aventurine doesn’t bother trying to break the silence. He just continues to readjust the rings on his fingers until his nerves are settled.

Then the speakers crackle as a multi-limbed monstrosity on the stage churns up a cacophony of sound and the show begins.


And, without further delay, let’s meet our first contestant! If you haven’t seen his face before you’ve certainly heard of his exploits. This beast of the battlefield has gone on a 100 win streak in the kennels, and that’s not even COUNTING those he killed before he was caught! From serial killer to superstar, it’s KYOJI!

“Heh, evening everyone. Hope you guys haven’t been betting on other dogs while I was away.”

“Hahaha, you know we never would! No one gets results quite like you. But tell me, Kyoji, a little birdy told me that you actually decided to volunteer for this season! Why’s that?”

“Oh, it’s simple, really. I was bored.”


“Bored! C’mon, you can’t tell me you’ve gotten a little bored hosting this show for the past fifty years.”

Well, if you really want me to be honest-Haha! No, no, I’m kidding. But I can see where you’re coming from. A hundred wins in the kennels seems like a nice place to stop.

“Ah, not just stop.


“I plan on stepping up, and this stage will be the perfect stone I need.”

Oh! Look at me, my hairs are all on edge! Do you have anything you wanna say to your fans before we continue?

“...yeah. To my, uh, loyal fans that have supported me every step of the way, who kept me going in the kennels when I was at death’s doors? I dedicate my performance to you.”


Now I expect everyone to give our next contestant the applause that she deserves, because even those in the nosebleeds should mind their manners. This foreign femme fatale has got the looks, the power, all the men she can devour! Our lovely lady from beyond the stars, give it up for Princess LUCY!

“Ah, thank you, but it is just Lucy.”

Well then, Just Lucy, how are you enjoying Moriah?

“It is…quite beautiful. Such incredible buildings, powerful technology. I see why Kopenawa would want to ally with the Greater Lord.”

Bah, so formal and political, Princess. I want to hear your opinion on something fun. Exciting!

“Exciting? Hm…your food is…”


“...edible? Hah, forgive me. I forget the word!”

Haha, that’s alright! Let’s see…do you mean exquisite? Immaculate? Indescribable?!

“Y-Yes to all three?”

Hahaha! Perhaps the world will never know. I do have a question, though. You’ve been living on Moriah for a few years now, and I just have to ask you: do you miss home?

“...of course. I do not have many chances to explore. There are not many forests, nor wildlife. It is beautiful, but…cold.”

Ah…such is the price to pay for civilization.

“And a large price it is.”


Let’s slow down our momentum a little, shall we? Our third contestant may be a bit of a newcomer to some of you, but to any Mox breeder worth their slime, this lovely lady is a sight to behold. Introducing the Imperial beauty herself, it’s NAOMI!


Ah, Miss Naomi, it really is an honor to meet you! With the dwindling rates of pure Imperial bloodlines these days, so many breeders refuse to let their pets compete.

“...I-I…I guess that makes me the exception.”

It would seem so! But it’d be a shame to let your talents go to waste, too. Topping charts without having to compete in the show? That takes quite a bit of skill.”


Hm? It seems our mics didn’t pick that up, my dear!

“...and cash.

Hah! And it seems you’ve got a bit of bite after all! Well, it’s only expected that your owners would be able to back you up there. Owning an Imperial is never cheap.


What was-

“They could always let me go…t-though I…I guess they already have.”

O-Oh, now, now. Don’t look so downcast! Don’t you hear your fans? The crowd? They’re cheering for you, Miss Naomi. They love you!

“I-I…I love you, too.”

Oh, Miss Naomi! With such a lovely declaration, I’m more confident than ever that you’ll be just fine!

“...if only.”


We remember the Titans, right? Powerful, headstrong? The ones whose ancestors helped us pave Moriah’s path to civilization? Well, you’re about to recognize our next set of guests. That’s right: a set! Regulation states we interview them one at a time, so make some noise for EREN!

“Hello! It is such an honor to be competing this year.”

And it is such an honor to be meeting you, as well! I’ve heard plenty about your exploits in the Anakt Garden, young man, and let me tell you, I’ve never been more excited to see someone compete in years!

“I-Is that so? I hope I don’t disappoint, then. A-And when you say ‘exploits’...”

Don’t turn so pink on me yet. It was just about those little scuffles you used to get into.”

“I see-”

“Although your vow to protect your sister has also been watched millions of times by yours truly!

“Oh, no…I-It was truly a spur of the moment. I was young-”

But it was so sweet, too! How rare it is for both Titan twins to reach full maturity.”

“Well, I have our master to thank for that, really. He cares deeply for us, and we owe our lives to him. As for my, uh, vow…I’m sure any sibling would say the same.”

And such a lovely, humble soul, too. Your master must be so proud of you, Eren. Still, I hear that Titan twins who reach maturity have quite a bit of trouble when it comes to successful breeding due to their attachment to their sibling. Is that the-”

“T-That is a bit, ah, inappropriate, isn’t it?!”

Hm? I think I smell a bit of a fun story behind that!


Haha! Alright, I relent! If you get any pinker, you’ll pass out! Although that might make you go viral again…

“Ah, I’d rather let my performance speak for me.”

And I’m sure it will, lover boy. I’m sure it will.”


You all know who I’m calling next. Every light has its shadow, every smile a warning. For every Castor, there’s Pollux, and every Eren, a marvelous, mysterious RENE!”

“Marvelous and mysterious, hm?”

Am I missing anything?

“Mm…let’s start with ‘older’ twin.”

Oho, I see! So, older twin, tell me! You and Eren are practically the same when it comes to their genes, but what makes you stand out against your brother?

“Well, I never got in trouble at the Anakt Garden, for one. And between us, I recall always receiving the higher marks in our classes.”

Quite the rival!

“Oh, please. A rival would actually be my equal.”

Haha! I doubt Eren’s handling that very well in the green room.”

“He’ll live.”

Ruthless, Miss Rene. How about the rest of the competition, hm? Anyone you see out there that could be a threat?”

“Hm…I suppose there are, but there’s no point in calling them out now.”

How about someone you’ll want to go against this round?”

“That’s the same question!”

Hahaha! Nothing gets past you, Rene. Truly a steel trap.

“I have to be if I want to win.”


We’ve been chatting with a few familiar faces, sure, but nobody loves an underdog more than the spotlight! Our last three guests might be newcomers to the stage, but that doesn’t mean they can’t sing like a bird in a cage, and they’re here to fight for their share of fame! First up, give it up for LEROY!

“...Thank you for having me.”

And thank you for gracing us with your presence! You’re quite the looker. You’re a Morlock, yeah? Are you sure you don’t have any Imperial blood in you?


I bet you do. No one can look that tall, dark, and handsome without some Imperial blood, haha! Now, unlike our last handful of competitors, a lot of what we know about you comes from your application forms. So, outside of that, tell me, who is Leroy?


...oh, that’s it? Hahaha!

“What else is there to say?”

Oh, you know: likes, dislikes, hobbies, friends…lovers?

“Ah. I see. I like the color white. I dislike small spaces. My hobby is cleaning, and my friend…”

Your friend…

“...they are here with me.”

Ah, how sweet. It always brings me to tears when competitors have history.

“We agreed to compete in the same season. It doesn’t matter.”

Oho, I believed the writers call that a suicide pact.

“I disagree.”

How so?

“ of us will survive.”

And who will it be?



We all know Imperials are some of the most beautiful pets across Moriah, but this stranger might just put them all to shame. Don’t get lost in these eyes because they damn well know how to hypnotize. Sponsored by the big man himself, make some noise for AVENTURINE!

“Hello, hello. Glad to finally make my debut.”

Eager to be on the stage, huh?

“Who wouldn’t be with a face like this?”

And with the Greater Lord’s blessing to boost! For such a newcomer, you sure came out swinging.

“Hey, it’s not often I get to perform in front of such a big audience. I have to make sure I leave an impression.”

I’m sure you already have. It’s not often we get a pet human with an eye pattern like that! Are you sure they aren’t contacts?

“Nope, just got lucky with the genetic lottery.”

More than just luck, I’d say. I heard that some of the pet species’ special traits were the results of their old gods’ blessings.

“Hah, if you say so. I’m just glad to be garnering so much attention. Interacting with the other competitors these past few days showed me just how important it is to win over our fans.”

That’s quite right. It’s been twenty seasons since an underdog came out on top! Especially with our fans determining the winner by votes during the performance, you’ll have to-

“Put it all on whether or not we can truly win them over with just a few lines. Tell me, is it working?”

Now, now, I can’t answer that. It’d be unfair to the rest of the competitors!

“Ah, but it’d only be unfair if it was working.”

Hah, you got me there! I can tell you’re gonna kill it when you’re on stage. Literally!

“Hah. That’s the plan.”


Without light, there is no shadow. Without light, there is no life! Moxes, I hope you brought your shades, because their smile will set your hearts ablaze. Our final contestant hails from the Mesh and sings with the best, give it up to R3-D4R!

“Hah, I’m surprised you ended up reading it!”

What else would I say? That’s what you wrote on the forms.

“That is true. If it helps, my master usually just calls me Human #1.”

Because you’re their favorite?

“No, because I was adopted first.”

Hahahaha! Well, I doubt we’ll have to worry about names since it’s just the two of us.”

“Well, us and all of Moriah watching.”

And those fans are eager to learn all about you! So tell me, how has these last few days been? Day in and out, you’ve been mingling with your fellow competitors, preparing for tonight’s debut. Any stirring emotions? Tension in the air?

“Honestly, it’s been nothing but a blast! I never would’ve had the chance to meet such famous pets had I stayed in the Mesh.”

What spurred your master into signing you up? Secondly, what led to you wanting to compete against your own friend?

“That’s…a pretty tricky question. My master is an inorganic lifeform. We could spend an entire Amber Era just puzzling over why it decided to adopt me at all!”

But going against Leroy?

“That’s even harder, because he was the one who insisted!”

Oh, so many secrets. We might just have to move you to the next round, just to get another interview out of you!

“Knock yourself out. Saves me the trouble of practicing.”

Hey, you’re cute but not that cute. Besides, I think everyone here wants to hear what kind of sounds a Morlock can produce that’s worthy enough of making it to the live rounds.

“I’ll make sure not to disappoint, then.”


He should be fine. He’s attended galas. He’s done the small talk, the unbridled compliments, the smiles and handshakes and song and dance of body language that conveys whatever the businessmen want to hear. This little ‘mingling with the audience’ after the interviews were over should be a cakewalk for Aventurine, and yet he’s debating on how long it would take to die from blood loss if he just plucked his eyes out and let the Moxes fight for it themselves.

It’s been an hour since the interviews ended. Technically, this would be the time for the contestants to reunite with their masters, who would then be in charge of leading them around the crowd. Pets shouldn’t be allowed to wander around without a leash, after all. But because of his unique situation, Aventurine is left to fend for himself against a bunch of opportunistic Moxes desperate to become acquainted with Greater Lord Golan. His hair drips from where a few have pet his head. The only thing that stopped him from instinctively slapping them away is the pets dragged along with them, equally shiny with their owners’ affection.

“-and, get this, she had a crooked spine!” a Mox laments, snapping Aventurine out of his blissful thoughts. He’s…a breeder, he thinks. He’d come up to congratulate the IPC agent on participating for this season, then went off on some tangent about his latest attempts at breeding taller Titans. One dripping tentacle anchors himself to Aventurine’s shoulder. The slime is starting to touch his skin through the shirt. “All of that hard work into breeding a Titan back to a fifth of its ancestor’s height, poof! Up in smoke. Pet genes are just finicky like that.”

Yes, because abnormal bone growth rates that lead to collapsed spines are completely caused by human genes and not by someone forcibly inbreeding their pets to make them taller. Aventurine swallows that one down with a harsh gulp of a sweet orange juice and goes, “Hah, I can imagine.”

“I’m sure you can!” A tentacle suddenly whips towards his face. He jerks back out of habit, but the Mox doesn’t seem to notice. “You got any siblings? Your parents still around? Did they have these eyes or was it just luck, like albinos?”

Aventurine’s glass cracks. Something churns in his stomach, a nasty bile threatening to spew insults and juice all over the Mox’s face. Would it be a crime, a human punching a Mox? Property has no rights on Moriah, but he’s set to compete in the show next week. Surely they wouldn’t execute him then. They wouldn’t have the time to find a replacement-


The crowd shifts, revealing you and your ever present smile. Leroy is at your side like always, harsh glare trained on the Moxes around you, and behind him is a tangled mass of machinery and flesh. It lumbers on all fours, one front leg replaced with a scythe nearly the length of Aventurine’s entire body. Its head is nothing more than some kind of headgear similar to equipment from Punklorde, but only one red eye glows with light. It sweeps its head towards the Mox glued to Aventurine’s shoulder, then clicks the three-pronged claw that makes up the opposite arm.

“Subject Identified: Wyreth, Titanomachia Head breeder. Initiating Greeting Protocol: Hello, Wyreth. How are you,” it states, voice spliced. It almost reminds Aventurine of those ancient toys he’d once found that would read out words typed into its keyboard.

Wyreth’s body trembles. “Ah, That Which Wanders,” he greets. “I should have figured you entered your little rats-”

“I have business,” That Which Wanders cuts in. Even without the affect, it almost sounds…annoyed. “You are not needed. Leave.” Wyreth gurgles, then shoves Aventurine forward, slinking off with a grumble until the crowd swallows him whole. It watches with a titled head, even rising from its hunch before beeping, “Threat neutralized. Disengaging Threat Protocol 74.”

You let out a sigh of relief. “Good. That guy was always super creepy whenever he gave us a job.”

“I-What are you doing?” Aventurine asks, voice a blend of relief and annoyance. “Were you watching me that whole time?”

“Nope.” You jab a thumb towards Leroy and That Which Wanders. “I had to get them first. Wyreth never would’ve left if I had just walked up.”

The implication almost stuns the agent. He almost thanks you, but That Which Wanders leans even closer, claws snapping as its eye burns red. “Inquiry,” it states, “where did you find that shirt?”

“Uh, the back of my wardrobe in the green room?” Aventurine looks down at the fabric, grimacing when he spots slime dripping down one shoulder. “I don’t think you’d want this in this condition-”

“Objection. The slime secreted by Gastropoda Mox can be removed with baking soda and acetic acid.” That Which Wanders’ shadow stretches over Aventurine and snaps its claw at his chest. “I will purchase the shirt.”

“Right now?

That Which Wanders’ eye flickers before adding, “Amendment: I would like to prepay for the shirt. L3-R0I.”

Leroy stiffens and steps forward. “Yes, sir?”

“Send the shirt to the residence once it has been removed. Scheduled arrival date: no later than tomorrow evening.”


“Can I at least keep it on for the rest of the night?” Aventurine whispers to you when the machine continues to rattle off orders.

“Do you really want to with Wyreth’s slime on you?” You make the mistake of patting his shoulder. The resounding squelch makes you and him shudder with disgust, but you’re quick to step back. “Oh! I haven't introduced you. Aventurine, this is my owner. Sir, this is-”

That Which Wanders beeps. “Subject Identified: Aventurine. Transport ID: 14383421. Species: unknown, foreign to Moriah.” It reaches a claw towards the Avgin’s gelled hair, pauses, and retreats. “Initiating Standard Protocol: Hello. I am That Which Wanders of the Hellnight Hive. If you need disposal services, I am located in the Mesh, in Building 408-A. I collect Chalav memorabilia.”

“Uh…” Aventurine nods slowly. He can’t quite tell if that is some kind of threat or not, but that explains the fascination with the shirt at least. “Nice to meet you.”

The alien nods back, then turns. “L3-R0I, R3-D4R.”

“Yes, sir?”

“I must return. Directives Addendum: Enjoy tonight. Eat the food. Reminder: Call once the rounds are decided. Goodbye.” With another click of its hooks, it turns and stalks away. The Moxes it passes by recoil at the sight.

“I can see where you got your personality,” Aventurine says once the creature is gone.

You and Leroy share a glance, and while you start to laugh, Leroy just blinks. “Thank you.”

“How’s the mingling going?” you ask once your giggles subside. “I was worried you’d get picked on without an owner at your side…and you looked like you were about to kill Wyreth.” You glance at the fractured glass in his hand. “What’d he say?”

Just recalling the conversation makes the Avgin twitch. He just smiles and sets the glass on a passing waiter’s serving dish. He regrets it immediately; without his usual trouser pockets, he can’t hide his fingers, and he just gave up his glass. He settles for adjusting his rings. “Just the usual stuff, asking if I was nervous for the rounds.”

You snort. “Right, like that’s something to be worried about.”

“What, you aren’t?” Aventurine asks.

“It’s a t.v. show,” you stress. “They’ll rig it to make it as dramatic as possible.” Your brows pinch, but you keep up yout smile as you gesture towards the giant tables covered in dishes. “Have you eaten? C’mon, I wanna show you some of the local delicacies!”

Aventurine almost turns down the offer until Leroy’s eyes flash over his shoulder. When he turns to look, a gaggle of Moxes tense and turn around, clearly hoping to try and pounce on him the second the Morlocks leave. Clearing his throat, he gestures to the pair with a sweeping hand. “Lead the way.”

Meat dishes fill his plate. Juice from ripened fruits quench his thirst. Sauce stains his fingertips while spices tingle his tongue. Lucy even appears at one point, lamenting that a dish wrapped with green leaves isn’t quite like home but good enough. He thinks all of it would have been very good if not for the fact that the pet-humans around him that aren’t competing stare at the table with pleading eyes while their owners keep their Isaac’s Binds nice and short. At one point, Aventurine is almost tempted to slip one some food, only for Leroy to grab his wrist.

“It will cause more trouble than it’s worth,” he whispers in the same tone one would use to scold a stubborn child. From the way you keep glancing at the other pet-humans, Aventurine can only assume the other Morlock is used to it.

By the time he is close to bursting, the stagehands pluck the contestants from the crowd and herd them back onto the stage. They’re crammed into two couches, Aventurine wedged between the arm and Lucy on the front row. The stagelights drown out the audience and warms him, sweat beading down the back of his collar. He feels sick, but he’s not stupid enough to think it is because of the food. Over the hawking of the MC reintroducing the humans, all he can think is This is it. In one week, he will be back on this stage singing, begging the crowd to choose him. In one week, four of the humans beside him will be dead, and he can’t be one of them.

And now, ” the host cheers as a seven round bracket appears overhead, “ LET’S SEE THE LINEUP!”



Aventurine stares at his own headshot, his cool and confident smirk, his sharp and empty eyes. Kyoji is directly behind him. The criminal only meets gaze for a second, face just as blank. Volunteer against volunteer, fighting for survival before a crowd of millions. Aventurine has proven himself before, but it sounds like the teen is no different.

The IPC agent cracks a smile and offers a hand. Kyoji’s smiles right back and grips it tight.



“Hah.” Lucy shifts beside Aventurine, elbowing the Titan to her left. “It seems we will fight.”

Rene grimaces from the strike. They aren’t mic’d up for this part of the event, but the agent still hears her state, “ Very glad it’s not a physical one.”



Aventurine doesn’t know who to focus on first. Naomi’s hands fly to her necklace and Eren goes pale, the pair sitting too far apart to reach for comfort. Rene tries her best, patting her brother’s back as he sputters and chokes. Aventurine expects you to do the same for Naomi. Such is your character.

But common sense catches up to the Avgin just as the final bracket flashes on the screen.


R3-D4R vs. LEROY

The crowd is already gasping and cheering, roaring when the camera focuses on your hand clenched in Leroy’s. The MC is still talking, prattling on and on about the upcoming schedule and to tune in next week for the thrilling opening performances by this year’s competitors. Aventurine can barely hear it over his own pulse. How dramatic, pitting two clear friends against each other. And Eren, who so clearly adores the timid Naomi but vowed to protect his twin sister? He supposes he got lucky with his round. Yes, Aventurine decides as a tear escapes from the corner of your eye. How lucky indeed.

Milk & Honey - oSnapple - 崩坏:星穹铁道 (2024)
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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Author information

Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.